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Conditionals (if, unless, as long as, provided, suppose, in case, etc.)

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present simple (A2-B1)
present continuous (B2)
present perfect (B2)

will + infinitive (A2-B1)

imperative (A2-B1)

modals (A2-B1)

be going to (B2)

future continuous (B2)

future perfect (B2)

Practice first/real present or future conditionals:

present perfect / modal verb

If you have eaten dinner, you can watch TV.

modal verb / future continuous

If you call at seven, I might be having a shower.

present perfect / future simple

If I’ve finished the essay by tonight, I’ll go to the cinema with you.

present perfect / future perfect

If it hasn’t rained by tomorrow, we’ll have to water the garden.

present perfect / be going to

If she has finished the book by the weekend, she is going to lend it to me.

present simple / future perfect

If you help me, I’ll have been ready to go in a minute.

present perfect / future simple

If you have moved into the new house, we’ll come to see you.

imperative / future perfect

If you don’t disturb me, I will have finished it in an hour. imperative

present continuous / imperative

If you are not feeling better tomorrow, go to the doctor’s.

present perfect / modal verb

If his wife has told him to do it, he may do it.

present simple / future perfect

Unless you hurry up, we won’t have finished it on time.

present perfect / be going to

If we have succeeded, we’re going to open a bottle of champagne.

present perfect / imperative

Unless he has written the report, don’t disturb him.

present continuous / future perfect

If the washing machine is not working, we’ll have to go to the nearest laundrette.

present perfect / future perfect

If you haven’t done the shopping, I won’t have been able to finish dinner by the time our guests arrive.

present continuous / be going to

If you are running in the rain, you are going to catch a cold.

present perfect / future continuous

If the children have gone to sleep, we’ll be watching TV.

present perfect / modal verb

If you have saved enough money, you can buy it.

present simple / future perfect continuous

If nobody needs me, I’ll have been sleeping by midday tomorrow.

present continuous / future perfect simple

If you are spending the money so quickly, you’ll have spent all your money before the end of the holiday.

present simple in passive / future perfect continuous

If I am not made redundant, I’ll have been working for this company for 30 years in September.

present simple / future simple in passive

If I manage to sign the contract, I’ll have been promoted to head of department by the end of the year.

present perfect / future continuous

If I have finished all these exams by Friday, we’ll be celebrating all weekend.

present perfect / modal verb

If they haven’t had lunch, they must be starving.

present continuous / modal verb

If you are not using your car tomorrow, can I borrow it?