Lesson 5 of 6
In Progress

When we do not change tenses in reported speech?

  1. The introductory verb (say, tell) is in the present, future, or present perfect.
    • ‘I can’t drive a car.’ He says he can’t drive a car.
  2. The speaker expresses the general truth, facts, or permanent state.
    • ‘December 31st is New Year’s Eve.’, he said. → He said that December 31st is New Year’s Eve.
  3. The reported sentence is a conditional (type 2,3) or a wish.
    • ‘If I had the money, I would buy a house,’ Peter said.  → Peter said (that) if he had the money, he would buy a house.

  4.  Direct speech is reported immediately.
    • ‘There is some ice cream in the fridge,’ Mum said.  → Mum said (that) there is some ice cream in the fridge.

  5. After would, had better, could, should, might, mustn’t, ought to, used to, and subjunctive.
    • ‘I would rather watch TV, but I had better study,’ said Jenny. → Jenny said that she would rather watch TV, but she had better study.

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