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There - It

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  • __Cherry__
  • Маріана Навроцька
  • abdrmv00l
  • adas
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Lesson 1 of 1
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There – It: How do we use it?

THERE is used when:

  1. If there is no other subject.
    • There is a book on the table.
  1. For a number or amount: a lot of/many/much/several/more/enough, etc.
    • Are there enough chairs?
    • There are 31 days in December.
  1.     To say that something is happening or exists.
    • Is there a toilet in the building?

IT is used when:

  1. For a thing, an action, or a situation.
    • Our car broke down and we couldn’t repair it.
  1. With the verb to be to express opinions.
    • It would be a great idea to buy the tickets in advance.
    • It’s great living in London
    • It’s nice to meet you.
  1. In some phrases which do not have a grammatical subject.
    • It’s time to go to bed.
    • It doesn’t matter.
    • It’s a pity you couldn’t come.
  1. To talk about the weather, times, and dates.
    • It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?
    • It’s five o’clock.
    • It’s my birthday today.


We use THERE when we mention something for the first time. We use IT when we talk about the details.

  • There is a good film tonight.
  • It starts at 8 o’clock.
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