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Conditionals (if, unless, as long as, provided, suppose, in case, etc.)

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As if/as though

After verbs: act, behave, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, etc.

a)     As if/as though + past tense (unreal situation in the present)

  • He behaves as if he knew everything. (This means that he does not know everything but behaves as if he did).
  • The sauce tastes as though he put some wine in it. (In other words, there is no wine in the sauce, but it has the taste of wine).

b)     As if/as though + past perfect (unreal situation in the past)

  • He behaved as if he had never seen her. (That means he had seen her but pretended he hadn’t).
  • When we were on holiday, she acted as if she had been a millionaire. (She was not really a millionaire but acted like she was).

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