Lesson 5 of 5
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Phrasal Verbs examples – B1 and higher (R to Z) 

rely on
to depend on / to trust someone/something
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run into
meet by chance
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run out of
no longer have enough something you need
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sail through
do something very easily
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save up for
save money in order to buy something you want
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see off
go to a station/airport in order to say goodbye/defeat or stop
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set in
start and be likely to continue for a while (st unpleasant eg. winter/illness)
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set up
start a business/arrange or organize something
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speak out
speak freely and fearlessly about a public issue
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speed up
increase speed
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show off
show st you are proud of so that people admire you (usually used negatively)
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shut down
close / terminate
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sign up for
join a team or club
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rip off
charge someone too much
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run out
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run over
hit with a car/injure or kill someone with a car
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see through
recognize that something is not true and not be tricked by it
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set off/out
start a journey
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set out
start a journey/arrange something clearly
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set on doing something
be firmly decided to do something
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speak up
louder than usual
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settle down
stay in one place or get married and live quietly
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show up
arrive at a place
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shut up
be quiet
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slow down
decrease speed
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sort out
deal with something successfully
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stand for
tolerate/protect/defend or for abbreviations and symbols
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stand in for
do sb’s job while they are not available
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stand up for
support in an argument or fight
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take aback
surprise (usually in passive)
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take away
remove something (from sb)
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take in
trick sb/make clothes narrower/offer a shelter or care
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take on
start to employ someone/accept work or responsibility
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take to
start to like
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take over
take control of
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tear down
demolish (a building)/criticize someone severely
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think something over
consider something carefully
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throw away
get rid of something
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try out
experiment with
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turn down
reduce something/reject an offer, request
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stand out
be much better or important
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stay up
stay awake longer than usual
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take after
resemble someone in your family
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take down
write down what someone says
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take off
remove clothing/leave the ground
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take off
leave the ground
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take up
start doing a hobby, sport
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talk back
reply quickly and often rudely (usually children to parents)
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tell off
criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong
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tear up
rip into pieces
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try on
put on a piece of clothing to see how it looks and whether it fits
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turn back
return towards the place you started from
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turn into
change into something different
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turn off
stop a machine working
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turn on
connect (for example a computer, the TV)
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turn round
go back in the opposite direction
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use up
finish a supply of something
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wear out
use sth until it is no longer in good condition or working order
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work out
do physical exercise/solve sth such a problem
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zero in on
focus attention on a target and move towards it
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zip it!
to shut up
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turn out
come/appear/have a particular result
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turn over
consider/change position
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turn up
arrive unexpectedly/increase the amount of sound, heat, etc.
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wear off
effect of sth gradually stops (pain, drug, lipstick, etc)
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zip by
to pass by quickly
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zero out
to cut off funding (e.g. for a project)
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zone out
to lose attention (e.g. during a boring meeting)
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